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原帖标题为:CHI (ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) 投稿指南
原帖网址为:https://verimake.com/topics/252 (旧版论坛网址,已失效)
原帖作者为:Maggie(旧版论坛 id = 252,注册于 2020-04-26 09:34:15)
原帖由作者初次发表于 2021-08-06 02:06:18,最后编辑于 2021-08-06 02:06:18(编辑时间可能不准确)
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CHI (ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) 投稿指南
CHI , 从 1982 年至今每年都会举办,几乎可以说是 Human-computer Interaction (人机交互)领域的元老级会议了,而且它在各大 ranking 网站上 ( Conference Ranks , CCF 中国计算机学会)都被评为 A 类会议。
这个会议不仅可以 以投 papers 的形式参与,还可以发 Case Studies, Late-Breaking Works,Interactivity 等,接下来对各种参与形式以表格的形式进行简单的汇总。
Participation Tracks 参与形式 | Paper Form 论文形式 | Submission Deadline 截止日期 | Selection Process 审稿形式 | Note 备注 |
Papers | Formally Reviewed Papers (Anonymous) | Abstract deadline - 2021.9.2 <br>Submission deadline - 2021.9.9<br>Notification date - 2021.11.18<br>Resubmission deadline - 2022.1.10 | Formally reviewed | 1. 参与论文投递的也推荐参与 Interactivity Track,但需要额外准备单独的不匿名的稿件(内容可与现有稿件重合)<br>2. 推荐上传演示视频(5min以内) |
Case Studies | Extended Abstracts (Not Anonymous) | Submission deadline - 2021.10.14<br>Notification deadline - 2021.12.1<br>Video previews deadline (optional) - 2022.1.29 | Juried | 1. 除去 references 4-10 页<br>2. 强烈建议附上一个演示视频(最多 5min,推荐 2-3 min)requirements<br>3. 被录用的 case studies 会在会上进行 15min 的 presentation,其中有一半的时间要用来回答问题或参与讨论 |
Late-Breaking Works (LBWs) | Extended Abstracts (Anonymous) | Submission deadline - 2022.1.13<br>Notification date - 2022.2.17<br>Presentation video and poster submission deadline - 2022.4.15 (tentative 暂定) | Juried | 1. 除去 reference 不超过 8 页<br>2. 被录用的 abstract 会被加入 ACM digital library<br>3. 作者还需要在录用后,准备以 poster 的形式在会上 present<br>3. 推荐补充上传Video previews(30s以内) |
Interactivity | Extended Abstracts (Not Anonymous) | Submission deadline - 2022.1.13<br>Notification date - 2022.2.17<br>Video previews deadline - 2022.3.10 | Curated | 1. 加上 reference 不超过 6 页<br>2. 被接受的 interactivity 会在会上在 exhibition area 展出,或者以远程的视频等各种形式进行展示<br>3. 会议后会以 Extended Abstracts 的形式发布,但是是 non-archival publications<br>4. 如果没能在 deadline 前 submit 论文, 仍有机会展出自己的作品(数量有限,先到先得) |
alt.chi | Open Review followed by Extended Abstracts (Not Anonymous) | Submission deadline - 2021.12.16<br>2. Notification date - 2022.1.31<br>3. Video previews deadline - 2022.2.17 | Open Reviewed and then Juried | 1. 不加 references 8-12 页 (加上 140 词以内的 abstract)<br>2. 被接收的 submissions 会在会议中的指定 session 进行 present<br>2. 参与的形式很多样,theatre, carnival, music, poetry, graphic novels 都是不错的选择<br>3. 推荐上传 Video previews(30s以内) |
Journals | Extended Abstracts (Not Anonymous) | Invitation sent to authors - 2021.11.19<br>Submission dealine - 2021.12.16<br>Notification date - 2022.1.31<br>Video previews dealine - 2022.2.24 | Curated | 1. Invitation only(CHI 的 journal 是约稿制的,不可主动投递)<br>2. 推荐上传 Video previews(30s以内) |
Student Research Competition | Extended Abstracts (Not Anonymous) | Submission deadline - 2022.1.13<br>Notification date - 2022.1.31<br>Publication-ready deadline - 2022.2.14 | Juried | 1. 加上 reference 不超过 6 页,还要做一张 poster<br>2. 如果表现优异,会被邀请 present a short talk<br>3. 研究生只能担任独立参赛,本科生可以以小组形式参赛 |
Paper Forms 论文形式的简介:
Formally Reviewed Papers:Archival - 论文版权必须转让给 ACM, 如果想要 reuse,需要根据政策交一些预付费。
Extended Abstracts:Semi-archival - 论文版权还归原作者所有,可以 不修改/修改后 转投其他期刊或它们的 proceedings(甚至可以直接投第二年的 CHI full paper)。
Selection Process 审稿形式的简介:
Formally reviewed:由 program committee 和 peer experts 进行审稿,作者可以收到 formal feedback
Juried:直接由 committee 进行审稿,但是过程会比 “Formally reviewed” 这种形式要求更低一些,如官网所说 generally not required to make the same level of lasting and significant contribution to our knowledge and understanding as formally reviewed content,而且不会需要提交 author's response,作者仅会收到 light feedback(仅有几个段落)。
Curated:高选择性,但是不一定会由 committee 进行审稿。Curated 的内容会从 submissions 中被选择,或者由 track chairs 进行邀请。作者仅会收到 收录/不收录 的 selection decision,不会受到具体的 feedback。
值得注意的是,CHI 2022 审稿流程由原来的 Rubuttal Mechanism 转为了 Revise and Resubmit (R&R) Reviewing Process。
过往的 rubuttal 形式,作者们在接收到审稿意见后没有机会修改自己的原稿件,只能与 审稿委员会 argue 一下 自己论文的贡献或者对细节进行一些补充。简单来说就是:录了就录了,拒了就拒了。而现在的 R&R , 如果返回的审稿意见不是明确的“reject”,作者可以根据 review comments 进行修改后重新投递,相当于有了第二轮的 review round,更偏向于期刊的审稿形式,也更大程度上提高了最后发出的论文质量 (因为在原来的 rubuttal 形式下,录了的论文只能有 minor changes,而现在的形式可以容许 non-significant changes,比如调整文章段落顺序与衔接,添加个别引文等等。但 significant changes 如增加一整个实验,是不允许的)。

详细的重要时间节点 (摘自官网)
All times are in Anywhere on Earth (AoE) time zone. When the deadline is day D, the last time to submit is when D ends AoE. Check your local time in AoE.
Submission site open: Thursday August 12, 2021
Abstract deadline (title, abstract, authors, subcommittee choices, and other metadata)): Thursday September 2, 2021
Submission deadline: Thursday September 9, 2021
- 1st round decision notification: Thursday November 18, 2021
- 1st round publication-ready deadline (including optional video previews): Thursday December 2, 2021
- 1st round e-rights completion deadline: Thursday December 2, 2021
- Publication proofs approved by authors deadline: Thursday January 6, 2022
Submission site open for resubmission: Thursday December 30, 2021
Resubmission deadline for revise and resubmit papers: Monday January 10, 2022
- 2nd round decision notification: Thursday February 10, 2022
- 2nd round publication-ready deadline (including optional video previews): Thursday February 24, 2022
- 2nd round e-rights completion deadline: Friday February 24, 2022
- 2nd round publication proofs approved by authors deadline: Friday March 25, 2022
论文 Template 下载 (三选一)
- Microsoft Word 模版
- LaTeX 模版(使用 sample 文件夹里的 “sample-manuscript.tex” 这个文件)
- 与 co-authors 在 Overleaf 这个线上平台上 协同以 LaTeX 格式编辑论文(搜索 ACM Conference Proceedings “Master” Template)
Case Studies
Case Studies 是什么?
Case Studies 强调的是基于具体事例,将 HCI 的原理和方法进行实地的运用。 需要描述研究过程中遇到了什么样的问题?是怎么解决的?对经历/经验进行反思,思考今后如何提高,对 HCI Community 有怎样的贡献等等。Case studies 与 papers 相比,不需要是潜在长期学术研究的一部分,也不一定要有广泛的文献综述,甚至不需要明确地对某一个 HCI 理论进行补充。以下的话题和领域都可供参考:
- Design to support a specific type of experience, discussing its rationale and lessons learned
- Research of a specific domain, user group, or experience, discussing its insights and lessons learned
- Domain-specific topics, especially lesser known but important domains of interest
- Management and strategy of research (either academic research or user research) and design in organizations
- Pilot studies preceding and informing larger-scale investigations
- Application, critique, or evolution of a method, process, or tool
- Innovation through Research or Design (disruptive or otherwise)
- Practical issues associated with HCI Teaching and Learning in education, training, or knowledge sharing
Case Studies 审稿流程
Case studies 的审稿流程不会受限于传统的学术期待,而是会根据以下两点来进行评价: 1. 案例的过程对人机交互实践领域贡献程度,以及 2. 故事说得是否动人,令人信服。这意味着, 哪怕最后的结果很糟糕,但过程中获得的宝贵经验也会被鼓励和赞扬。虽然审稿人是专业的从业人员和研究者,但不会像 papers 的审核那样严格。总的来说, review 的衡量标准如下:
- 是否讲述了一个令人信服且有趣的的 HCI practice 的故事,而且是否对 HCI community 有积极的指导意义
- 是否有反思整个案例研究的过程与经验,阐述它为什么是重要的
- 是否提高了 HCI practices 的水准
- 是否详细阐明实践过程中采用的 activities 以及它们会带来的局限性
Factitious: Large Scale Computer Game to Fight Fake News and Improve News Literacy
This case study describes a game designed to serve as new literacy education tool, playful polling system for research audience perceptions. The game underwent two primary designer iterations. As a result of design changes and renewed political chatter about fake news, the game's second iteration gathered more than 500,000 plays. The data collected reveals useful patterns in understanding news literacy and the perception of play experiences. This data of more than 45,000 players, indicates that the older the person the better they are at identifying fake news, until the approximate age of 70. It also indicates that higher education correlates to better performance at identifying real news from fake, although the time it takes to do so varies. This case study demonstrates the potential for such game designs to collect data useful to non-game contexts.
ROOT: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Urban Health Challenges with HCI
With the rise of chronic diseases as the number one cause of death and disability among urban populations, it has become increasingly important to design for healthy environments. There is, however, a lack of interdisciplinary approaches and solutions to improve health and well-being through urban planning and design. This case study offers an HCI solution and approach to design for healthy urban structures and dynamics in existing neighborhoods. We discuss the design process and design of ROOT, an interactive lighting system that aims to stimulate walking and running through supportive, collaborative and social interaction. We exemplify how multidisciplinary HCI approaches in a hackathon setting can contribute to real life urban health challenges. This case study concludes that the experimental and collaborative nature of a hackathon facilitates the rapid exchange of perspectives and fosters interdisciplinary research and practice in urban planning and design.
Late-Breaking Works
Late-Breaking Works (LBWs) 是什么?
LBWs 主要是展示innovative technologies, 拓展 prior research conversations, detail short self-contained studies, 或是对新萌生出来的想法 研究工作提出质疑。我们鼓励 HCI 领域的 newcomers 投稿 LBWs, 从而引出有用的反馈,促进讨论,并在会议上分享一些有价值的原创点子。可投稿的话题和 methodologies 如下:
- 一个原创的非常创新的 technology, technique, or prototype(有无 evaluation 都可)
- 一篇比较短的有完整分析的 定性或定量研究
- 之前研究贡献的 “续集”
- 一个激发 novel conversations 或未来研究的 “前传”
- 一个理论或方法论上的贡献,激发学科中的新对话
LBWs 审稿时的重点
- Contribution of the LBW to CHI 2022: Does this work present research contributions or ideas that will stimulate interesting conversation among CHI attendees?
- Significance: How important is the problem or question that this submission addresses? Is there an audience at CHI that would find this work influential and/or compelling?
- Originality: How does the work build on, or speak to, existing work in the area? Does it make a novel contribution?
- Validity: How well are the chosen methods described and justified within the submission?
- Clarity: How clear, understandable, and targeted is the writing? To what extent does the abstract conform to all formatting requirements and the 8-page limit?
Weaving the Topics of CHI: Using Citation Network Analysis to Explore Emerging Trends
This paper provides a comprehensive and novel analysis of the annual conference proceedings of CHI to explore the structure and evolution of the community. Self-awareness is healthy for a diverse and dynamic community, allowing it to anticipate and respond to emerging themes. Instead of using a traditional topic modelling approach to analyze the text of the papers, we adopt a social network analysis approach by analyzing the citation network of papers. After constructing such a citation network, community detection is applied in order to cluster papers into different groups. The keywords of these groups are found to represent different research themes in human-computer interaction, while the growth or decline of these groups is visualized by their paper shares over time. Lastly, we contribute a visualization tool for exploring emerging trends within our community, which can be used to predict likely topics at future CHI conferences.
Cross-country User Connections in an Online Social Network for Music
Social connections and cultural aspects play important roles in shaping an individual's preferences. For instance, people tend to select friends with similar music preferences. Furthermore, preferences and friending are influenced by cultural aspects. Recommender systems may benefit from these phenomena by using knowledge about the nature of social ties to better tailor recommendations to an individual. Focusing on the specifities of music preferences, we study user connections on Last.fm---an online social network for music. We identify those countries whose users are mainly connected within the same country, and those countries that are characterized by cross-country user connections. Strong cross-country connection pairs are typically characterized by similar cultural, historic, or linguistic backgrounds, or geographic proximity. The United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia are identified as countries having a large relative amount of user connections from other countries. Our results contribute to understanding the complexity of social ties and how they are reflected in connection behavior, and are a promising source for advancements of personalized systems.
alt.chi 是什么?
alt.chi 是一个专门为 有争议性的、敢于冒险的、推动边界的研究 设立的论坛,尤其鼓励在方法论上的革新,对公认实践的批判,或对于非常有争议问题的看法。CHI 项目委员会设立它的初衷是:为传统审查过程中得不到认可的工作提供一个新的可能性,通过 “众审” 的方式 挑选出大胆、有争议、创新有洞察力的研究。不仅内容上可以大胆,先锋派,呈现的形式也可以多种多样,过去的呈现形式有 theatre, carnival, music, poetry, and graphic novels 等等。审稿人的审稿意见也有可能在经过整理修改后进行发布。主要的 alt.CHI 内容如下:
-在提交论文和在 CHI 做 presentation 过程中,探索新的方法来呈现 HCI 研究
上述的这些特征也意味着,绝大多数 CHI formal papers 的形式并不适合提交到alt.chi。alt.CHI 应该被视为一个不受传统的会议/论文格式的限制,重新塑造学术界对话方式的平台,为学术界提供一种新的方式,注入更多活力。
alt.chi 审稿流程
alt.chi 采用的是先 open review 再 juried 模式。在 open review 过程中,CHI community 里的所有成员都可以在一个非匿名论坛上经过审查后提交。这也意味着,任何对你工作感兴趣的社区成员都可以查看和讨论你的研究。 在讨论期(open review)以后,委员会会基于以下几个标准来评估作品,
-作品是否充分体现 alt.CHI 的创新、批判、反思和原创性的价值观。
-作品表达的观点是否很难在 CHI 正式论文中呈现。
-作品在审稿人中是否引发了较为激烈有 contribution 的讨论。
申请成为 alt.CHI 的审稿人
- 如果想要参与到 alt.CHI 的讨论中,点开 PCS volunteer,选择“CHI 2022”, 然后输入想要审稿的篇数。
- 之后你可以在 bidding page 上选择 “want” 和 “willing” 的论文,并在 reviewing page 上进行 comment 的提交并进行后续的讨论。
- 所有评审人员在参与筛选过程之前必须签署评审协议,以确保所有没有被选中的稿件都是保密的。
How we Guide, Write, and Cite at CHI
There are many opinions on how to write an influential CHI paper, ranging from writing in an active voice to including colons in the title. However, little is known about how we actually write, and how writing influences impact. We conducted quantitative analyses of the full text of all 6578 CHI papers published since 1982 to investigate. We looked at readability, titles, novelty, and name-dropping and related these measures to the papers' citation count; overall and for different subcommittees. We found that CHI papers are more readable than papers from other fields. Furthermore, readability, title length, and novelty markers all influence citation counts.
Countermeasures: Learning to Lie to Objects
Ubiquitous computing is leading to ubiquitous sensing. Sensor components such as motion, proximity, and biometric sensors are increasingly common features in everyday objects. However, the presence and full capabilities of these components are often not clear to users. Sensor-enhanced objects have the ability to perceive without being perceived. This reduces the ability of users to control how and when they are being sensed. To address this imbalance, this project identifies the need to be able to deceive 'smart' objects, and proposes a number of practical interventions to increase user awareness of sensors, and encourage agency over digital sensing through acts of dishonesty to objects.
Designing the Past
This paper challenges the position that design is a future oriented discipline, and rather turns an eye to the past as potential material for re-design. We claim that what we call 'the past' is far from static, monolithic, immutable, and is rather subjective, fluid, and constantly renegotiated. People constantly engage in re-designing the past by re-elaborating, reckoning, and plainly forgetting. The rewriting of the past, such as in historical revisionism, is often seen as an attempt to wipe-out, and hence re-inscribe and perpetuate, injustice, oppression, and even genocide. With this paper we call for more courage to take ownership of the past as something malleable, to take responsibility for it, and in so doing to open up design opportunities to a plurality of voices.
总的来说,papers 是最正规,审稿方式最为严格的一种形式。Late-Breaking Works 篇幅会小一些,审稿过程也不那么严格,适用的范围和领域较广。Case studies 更加注重研究过程、研究方法方面的创新,和应用领域的故事说得够不够好。alt.CHI 更加先锋,无论是研究过程、得到的结论还是呈现形式都要更加 “惊人” 一些。如果你想对不同的形式有更为直观的理解,可以下载这个 zip 文件(提取码:okok),略读一下不同分类下的论文。