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原帖标题为:将 Chrome Dinosaur 游戏变成宅家的锻炼项目
原帖作者为:YX(旧版论坛 id = 64)
原帖由作者初次发表于 2020-04-07 11:07:21
This Controller Turns the Chrome Dinosaur Game Into a Workout
Make your browser's running dino imitate your own jumps with this Arduino-based controller.
Like many of those reading this piece, Clifford Jay (AKA “fridaay”) has been at home for the last two weeks or so. Also, like many of us, he’s been keeping busy playing a variety of video games that he admits he’s not so good at. However, one game you might have overlooked up to now is Google Chrome's offline dinosaur game. In this masterpiece, one simply has to hit the space bar over and over to allow the protagonist t-rex to jump over obstacles that come into its path. It’s a nice distraction for a minute or two, but not one that eats into companies like EA and Valve's sales.

To spice things up a bit, Jay decided to create his own custom controller specifically for this game, using an accelerometer hooked up to an Arduino Uno to read actual jumping movements. Data is transmitted to another Uno connected to a laptop via a pair of nRF24L01 RF modules, which is programmed to hit the space bar when the system detects jumping.

While this setup doesn’t seem to enhance the user’s dinosaur skills, it does look like a fun distraction. It could perhaps also be a pretty good workout, given how tired Jay seems to be after using it.
Of course, one could always just bounce the controller up and down by hand, analgous to how the Power Pad was often misused for various hijinks on the original NES. Code for this dino jump rig isn’t currently posted, but is available upon request, per the video description.
该控制器可将Chrome Dinosaur游戏变成锻炼
像许多阅读本文的人一样,克利福德·杰伊(Clifford Jay,又名“星期五”)在家里呆了大约两个星期。另外,像我们许多人一样,他一直忙于玩各种电子游戏,他承认自己不太擅长。但是,到目前为止,您可能一直忽略的一款游戏是Google Chrome的离线恐龙游戏。在这部杰作中,只需要反复敲击空格键,即可使主角t-rex跳过进入其路径的障碍物。一到两分钟的时间会让人分心,但不会像EA和Valve的销售那样吃力。
为了给事情增添趣味,Jay决定使用连接到Arduino Uno的加速度计来读取实际的跳跃动作,从而专门为此游戏创建自己的自定义控制器。数据通过一对nRF24L01 RF模块传输到与笔记本电脑相连的另一个Uno,该模块被编程为在系统检测到跳跃时击中空格键。
当然,人们总是可以用手上下弹起控制器,这类似于Power Pad通常被误用于原始NES上各种Hijink的情况。目前尚未发布该恐龙跳跃装备的代码,但根据视频说明,可根据要求提供该代码。